Monticini P (2020), International Symposium on Fisheries Sustainability. “IL PESCE Magazine N.1/2020 Edizioni Pubblicità Italia srl, 41100 Modena (MO), p.100-105. [article, in Italian].
November 2019 Official Invitation to attendance at the FAO International Symposium on Fisheries Sustainability: Strengthening the Science-Policy Nexus, which will take place at the FAO Headquarters in Rome, Italy from 18-21 November 2019. Active participation at the FAO International Symposium focus Group 4.
Monticini P. (2019), On-line la Guida volontaria della FAO sulla responsabilità sociale lungo la catena del valore della pesca e dell’acquacoltura. “IL PESCE Magazine N.5/2019 Edizioni Pubblicità Italia srl, 41100 Modena (MO), p.26-35. [article, in Italian].
Monticini P. (2019), Breeding Marine aquarium Fishes: Opportunity or Threat for the Local Fishing Community? INFOFISH International 5/2019, Project of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, pp.32-36. [article in English].
Monticini P. (2019), Dal 18 al 21 Novembre a Roma l’International Symposium on Fisheries Sustainability PESCE IN RETE linternational-symposium-on-fisheries-sustainability/ (in Italian).
Date accessed: September 3, 2019). [Web article].
Monticini P. (2019), Trasporto su gomma e welfare dei pesci – pubblicato il Manuale per la gestione del controllo del benessere dei pesci durante il trasporto su strada “IL PESCE Magazine N.4/2019 Edizioni Pubblicità Italia srl, 41100 Modena (MO), p.33-37. [article, in Italian].
Monticini P. (2019), Due nuove certificazioni Friend of the Sea: Sustainable Ornamental Fish e Corals e Sustainable Aquarium
PESCE IN RETE (in Italian). Date accessed: June 24, 2019). [Web article].
Monticini P. (2019), Parma Summer School 2019: Risk Benefit in safety and nutrition.
PESCE IN RETE (in Italian). Date accessed: June 17, 2019. [Web article].
Gestione di progetti per lo sviluppo: un caso studio. IL PESCE Magazine N.3/2019 Edizioni Pubblicità Italia srl, 41100 Modena (MO), p.30. [article, in Italian].
Monticini P. (2019), Zoomark International. Chiusi a Bologna i battenti della biennale del pet
Monticini: “Il settore acquariologico verso il rilancio?” (in Italian).
PESCE IN RETE bologna-i-battenti-della-biennale-del-pet/ Date accessed May 15, 2018 [Web article].
Monticini P. (2019), Riflessioni sulle modifiche all’articolo 12 del decreto del Presidente della Repubblica 8 Settembre 1997, n. 357, Concernente l attuazione della Direttiva 92 43 CEE del Consiglio del 21 Maggio 1992 (in Italian). PESCE IN RETE Date accessed: June 13, 2016). ).[Web article].
Monticini P. (2019),“IL PESCE Magazine N. 2/2019 Monticini Consulting, un aiuto concreto alla filiera ittica Una società al servizio dell’acquacoltura By Elena Benedetti Owner of Edizioni Pubblicità Italia srl, 41100 Modena (MO), pp. 48. (In Italian).
Monticini P., Capri E. (2016), “Legally and non-Legally binding Legislation on Sustainable Aquaculture: the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries”. OPERA Research Center, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, 29122 Piacenza, Italy E-mail contact:, SEA-on-a-CHIP 2nd Progress Workshop Monitoring for a Sustainable Management of Marine Resources, ISBN 978-88-6261-556-3, Mattioli, 1885 Fidenza, Italy, p.40. [Contribution to conference proceeding, poster].
Monticini P., Capri E. (2016), “The Millennium Declaration (MDGs) and the New Sustainable Development Goals”. OPERA Research Center, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, 29122 Piacenza, Italy E-mail contact:, SEA-on-a-CHIP 2nd Progress Workshop Monitoring for a Sustainable Management of Marine Resources, ISBN 978-88-6261-556-3, Mattioli, 1885 Fidenza, Italy, p.41. [Contribution to conference proceeding, Poster].
Monticini P. (2016) “Mettere fine alla povertà in tutte le sue forme” commento al Convegno relativo alla presentazione del Volume: “World Food Production, Facing Growing Needs and Limited Resources” (in Italian), AgriCulture Magazine – FIDAF Federazione Italiana Dottori in Scienze Agrarie e Forestali. (Date accessed: June 13, 2016). ).[Web article].
Monticini P. (2015), Ph.D. final Dissertation: Sustainable Aquaculture and Fisheries: International Legislation, Technical Aspects, Present situation and Future Potential Development. Universita’ Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Agrisystem Doctoral School, Piacenza, Italy. LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, Heinrich- Böcking- Str. 6-8, 66121, Saarbrücken, Germany. ISBN 978-3-659-75857. [Book].
Monticini P. (2015), Report on Potential in Ornamental fish Trade in Africa, FAO Food Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, GLOBEFISH HIGHLIGHTS 1/2015, Products, Trade and Marketing Service and Aquaculture Policy and Economic Division (FIPM), Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, 00153 Rome, ITALY, [Scientific article].
Monticini P. (2014), “Report (for use by stakeholder in the sector) on the situation of Eel in International markets”. GRP Globefish Research Programme Vol. 114, FAO Food Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, GLOBEFISH, Products, Trade and Marketing Service and Aquaculture Policy and Economic Division (FIPM), Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, 00153 Rome, ITALY, [Book].
Monticini P. (2013), Bibliographic Research concerning atypical mycobacteriosis in Ornamental fish: in natural environment and in captivity, Carmelo Arico’ Hatchery, Trinacria Discus Farm. (Date accessed: April 5, 2015).[Web scientific article].
Monticini P. (2012), Commercial reflections on Sturgeon (Acipenser spp.) farming, IL PESCE Magazine N.6/2012 Edizioni Pubblicità Italia srl, 41100 Modena (MO), pp.86, 87, 88, 90, 91, 92. [Scientific article].
Monticini P. (2012), “European market of the common Eel (Anguilla anguilla, Linnaeus, 1758)” IL PESCE Magazine N. 3/2012 Edizioni Pubblicità Italia srl, 41100 Modena (MO), pp. 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91. [Scientific article].
Monticini P. (2012), “Italian National market of Ornamental Fish Sector according to UNData”. IL PESCE MagazineN.1/2012 Edizioni Pubblicità Italia srl, 41100 Modena (MO), pp. 72, 73, 74, 76, 77, 78, 80, 82, 83. [Scientific article].
September 2011: Speaker at the International Conference “Napoli Aquatica (NaQ)”, International Aquaristic Fair in Naples – Italy, “The Ornamental Fish Trade “, Agency Events Management. [Seminar].
Monticini P. (2010), “The Ornamental Fish Trade, Products and Commerce of Ornamental Fish: technical, managerial and legislative aspects ”GRP Globefish Research Programme Vol. 102, FAO Food Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, GLOBEFISH, Products, Trade and Marketing Service and Aquaculture Policy and Economic Division (FIPM), Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, 00153 Rome, ITALY, [Book].
March 2010: Master thesis in Cooperation and Planning for Development, “FAO Volunteer Programme experience”, CIRPS (Inter-University Research Centre for Sustainable Development) – “La Sapienza” University of Rome. Academic year 2008-2009. [Thesis].
Monticini P. (2009), “Legislative aspects of the production and commerce of Ornamental Fish” IL PESCE Magazine N. 4/2009 Edizioni Pubblicità Italia srl, 41100 Modena (MO), pp. 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129,130. [Scientific article].
March 2009: Degree thesis in Hygiene and the Preventive Treatment of Infective Illnesses in Fish breeding: “Production and Commerce of Ornamental Fish: technical-managerial and legislative aspects”, University of Bologna, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. Academic year 2007-2008, session III. Published. [Thesis].
April 2008: Speaker at the Seminar “Cichlidae”: one of the most interesting fish families” Certosa di Pisa 12-13th of April 2008. Organized by the Italian Cichlid Association in collaboration with the Pisa Natural Science Museum. [Seminar].
Monticini P. (2008), “Liosomadoras oncinus, the jaguar catfish in its natural habitat and in the aquarium” Aquarium 02/2008, Edition Primaris sas , Via Curiel, 198/4, 20089 Rozzano, Milan. pp. 46- 47- 48- 49-50. [Article].
AA.VV. (2006), “Hydra Forum Reportage” Hydra 40, Winter 2006, Editore Sesto Continente Srl, Via Zucchini, 48018 Faenza (RA), pp. 18-19-20-21. [Article].
November 2006: Speaker at the Conference “Discus Day” Bologna Hydra Forum – The Natural Aquarium, one-day-conference on Aquarium keeping in Italy, Editore Sesto Continente Srl, Via Zucchini, 48018 Faenza (RA). [Article].
Monticini P. (2005), Special Discussion – “Amazonia: Diary of a Journey” Hydra 35, Editore Sesto Continente Srl, via Zucchini, 48018 Faenza (RA), pp. 40-66-78. [Article].
Monticini P. (2005), “Importing Ornamental Fish” Aquarium 05/2005,Edizioni Primaris sas , Via Curiel, 198/4, 20089 Rozzano, Milan, pp. 64-65. [Article].
March 2005: Speaker at the Seminar “Down the Amazon in search of Symphysodon discus discus” at the Auditorium of the Marine Research Centre of Cesenatico for the Degree Course in Aquaculture and Fish Pathologies, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of Bologna. [Seminar].
Monticini P. (2004), “The reproduction of Discus Heckel, the study of a species, University experience” Hydra 31Editore Sesto Continente Srl, Via Zucchini, 48018 Faenza (RA), pp. 80-81-82-83-84-85-86-87-88-89. [Article].
March 2004: Degree thesis on the physiology and reproduction of aquatic animals “The definition of Artificial Breeding and Reproduction Techniques for Symphysodon discus discus (Heckel 1840)”. University of Bologna, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. Academic year 2002-2003 session III. Published. [Thesis]
Monticini P. (2001): Discus Notiziario – Booklet 3 Column “At home with …” by Bruno Scotto, Edizioni Primaris sas , Via Curiel, 198/4, 20089 Rozzano, Milan, pp. 32-33-34-35. [Article].